We are not ashamed to ask for this noble cause. Many lives have been touched because of the sacrificial giving of caring people. Dozens of volunteers have traveled to Africa with our Teams to show love and care to some of the most needy people on the planet. To them we say "Thanks." The value you have added to people's lives in Africa is immeasurable. The "pay-it-forward" attitude seeds we have planted in the next generation in Africa will spring forth with a better tomorrow, not only for the ones we have helped, but for those whom they will lift up as a result of their competence & character we helped shape.
Someone once said, "You can give without caring, but you cannot care without giving." Thanks for caring!
Vic Rader,

A $30 donation will provide one meal a day
for an entire month!
At Encouragement Inc. we value your trust in us for using your donations properly and for the intended purposes given. Rest assured that integrity is not only a value we teach to others, it's a character quality that the leadership and Board of Directors of Encouragement Inc. live by and demonstrate in their daily lives.
If you have any questions concerning our organization, feel free to contact us anytime. We are a transparent organization formed to assist others who are needing to be encouraged in a variety of ways.
We are currently providing Emergency Food
for Hungry Children in the Following Areas:
Webuye, Kenya
A Webuye Nearby Village
Kimwanga, Kenya
Kakamega, Kenya
Nakuru, Kenya
Busia, Uganda
You can donate ONE TIME or set up an automatic MONTHLY donation at the click of a button.