We operate three Jesus Film Teams in the Western Province of Kenya. Each team show either "The Jesus Film" or "The Passion of the Christ" film no less than once per week in areas where most people have not seen theses films. On an average there will be around 300-500 attendees at each showing. Around 44% of the attendees will pray to receive Christ into their hearts to be their Savior. As of Dec 31, 2022, these film teams have shown the films to more than 750,877 people, with over 336,612 viewers having received Christ. Each new believer is given follow-up materials in their own language and guided to a nearby local church for attending a 12 week Firm Foundation Class that local pastors are equipped with. Heaven is rejoicing, and so are we! You financial donations will help Kenyans to see and hear the good news about the Savior of the World - Jesus!
In response to the growing crisis of abandoned children and teens in the town of Kakamega, in December 2018, we rented two buildings and began Youth Shelters to provide a safe and warm place for abandoned teen Girls & Boys to sleep in safety and receive a warm meal. Our objective is to assist the community with the issues facing these young people roaming the street and sleeping in doorways downtown and throughout the city. Our leader of the program is also a Jesus Film Team leader. He conducts educational development programs throughout the public schools in Western Kenya. This program is worthy of your prayers and financial support to operate these Life-Giving Youth Shelters. A $30 donation will help feed a teen twice a day for an entire month. Your donation will assist feeding these precious young people. Thanks for being a part of the solution to this humanitarian crisis.
All of the school age children are learning regularly how to use computers and Ipads. They communicate by e-mail with their monthly sponsors and are learning to use these tools for school work and reference tools. If you would like to send your old working laptop, we will take it with us to Kenya and an orphaned child will use it regularly. Email us.

In Encouragement Children's Home, Kenya we currently have 51 orphans from three years old to College ages. Sponsors donations help pay for and send these orphans to Primary Schools (Gr. K-8), Boarding High Schools (Gr. 9-12) and Colleges & Technical College. In addition to specific Educational donations, our Orphan Sponsor's donations are used in part to make these education opportunities possible. Thanks to donors, like yourselves, these orphaned children are blessed with educational opportunities they otherwise would never experience. Together we are changing their lives and their God-Given Dreams are being realized. Thanks so much for your partnership in shaping their lives.
We currently are assisting a Children's Home in Uganda by providing food for the hungry and at-risk children in Busia, Uganda. We also provide food in a rural church after their Sunday church services for needy kids. Your donation of any size will help feed hungry kids in Western Africa. The meals are prepared by church volunteers and 100% of the food donations are used to purchase the food. Thank you for giving!
An experienced gardener on staff teaches the orphans how to plant, cultivate and grow maize and other vegetables on the 2 acre garden space of the Encouragement Center. These farming skills are essential for the survival of the people in rural areas of Kenya. We are blessed to have three ponds specifically created to raise Talapia fish for food. The orphans are taught to feed, harvest and sell the excess fish. The hands-on experience of this teaches them how to provide for themselves once into adulthood. We envision again having milk cows that will help provide the daily milk needed for the children, along with chickens producing eggs daily to eat and to sell any excess eggs. This will teach the older orphans how to operate a business of their own in the future.